German Pagan Black Metal - The Blakylle Band-History

The band lineup of the german pagan black metal band Blakylle - (f.l.t.r) Adrian (Vocals), Albert (Bass), Sandro (Guitar), Alexander (Drums)

(f.l.t.r) Adrian (Vocals), Albert (Bass), Sandro (Guitar), Alexander (Drums)

Blakylle is a german pagan black metal band from Fulda (Hesse). Guitarist and songwriter Sandro (ex- Munas Breed and Krew) started the project in 2014 in the city of Leer - East Frisia. Inspired by bands such as the late Bathory, early Amon Amarth, Enslaved, Helheim or Helrunar, the main intention behind Blakylle has always been a coalescence of atmospheric black – and melodic death metal, with lyrics referring to germanic paganism related topics.

The band name "Blakylle" is passed down as the name of a sea goddess of the Germanic tribe of the Cimbri.

Text excerpt about Blakylle from the book "Cimbrische Heyden-Religion" from 1702

Text excerpt about Blakylle from the book "Cimbrische Heyden-Religion" from 1702

Sandro, founder of the german pagan black metal band Blakylle

Band Founder Sandro

A lenghty search for musicians finally resulted in a nicely matching line up, including Mumme (Drums – previously: King Carrion and Chateau), Frank (Bass – previously: To Kill) and Flo (Vocals).

Due to the Band’s head and songwriter Sandro moving, Blakylle had been looking for a new line up, which was completed by march 2018.

The new line up are Adrian (Vocals, former Goremorrha, owner of Totgehört webzine), Constantin (Drums - former Krew and Crimorian) and Albert (Bass, also Junkyard Jesus, former Krew, Pagan Horde und Rock Cock Rodeo)

Blackylle’s debut „Wo uralte Wasser fließen“ was released on October, 21st in 2019. The Album was recorded by the band’s recent line up and subsequently mixed and mastered at Liquid Aether Studio (Germany). The frontcover was designed by Junkyard Jesus‘ Heino Firnung, all additional artworks were beautifully composed and implemented by the graphic designer "Wappenschmied", whose work has already left a remarkable footprint within the pagan black metal scene.

Drummer Constantin left the band in summer 2020 and has been replaced by Alexander (former Mindreaper).

The german pagan black metal band Blakylle (Current line-up - september 2020)

German pagan black metal band Blakylle (Current line-up - sep. 2020)

Blakylle band lineup in 2019 - (f.l.t.r) Albert (Bass), Adrian (Vocals), Sandro (Guitar), Cons (Drums)

Blakylle band lineup in 2019